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The Diocese of Moosonee...called by God to Live and Proclaim the Gospel

Find a Church

St. Paul’s Kashechewan

Street Address:

50 Wa We Yas Ton Cres.



P0L 1S0

Postal Address:

Box 90 Kashechewan, Ontario P0L 1S0

Email Address:


(819) 753-7168


The Rev. Leo Friday

Service Times:

Sunday Services: 11:00 A.M. BCP Cree, 7:00 P.M. BAS English
Tuesday Bible Study & fellowship 7:00 P.M. hosted each week in an Elder's home on a rotating basis. location announced weekly.
Thursday Gospel Night: 7:30 P.M. Led by the Gospel Jamboree Band. A time of singing and sharing.

About this parish:

Located along the shores of the Albany River, Kashechewan was established in the early 1950s. Originally the community was known as Keeshechewan, which translated to English meant “where the water flows fast”. However, a sign was ordered for posting near the community and when it arrived the Cree word Keeshechewan was misspelled and the community sign read Kashechewan, which then became the official name, though it has no real Cree meaning.  St. Paul’s Parish had been without a resident minister and is served by a part time priest who flies into the community monthly.

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